Ecovadis Platinum Medal, Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal

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Ecovadis Platinum Medal
admin December 10, 2022 2 Comments

The preparation stage:

Based on global standards for sustainable development, EcoVadis has established 21 CSR criteria. A company’s sustainability management system’s effectiveness is evaluated primarily by its policies, actions, and results. The assessment heavily relies on supporting documentation.

It could be a good idea to gather several persons from different departments since the evaluation covers various issues. In general, the sustainability manager can better respond to environmental questions because they include things like waste, GHG emissions, and sustainable consumption. 

The HR manager can frequently provide the best answers to labor and human rights queries because they know hiring practices and working conditions. Naturally, a purchasing team member is most suited to handle sustainable procurement. The IT or compliance department can also address the ethical portion. Managing directors and even business owners play additional pertinent roles.

How long is the process?

The time it takes the designated team to acquire the necessary information to respond to the questions on the questionnaire is how long it takes to complete it. The EcoVadis questionnaire gives businesses three weeks to complete it after it is opened. However, requesting a deadline extension through EcoVadis is common. The questionnaire review procedure typically takes 6 to 8 weeks after a corporation submits it.

The principles of EcoVadis scoring

Here are the principles of EcoVadis scoring principles.

The basis for scoring is evidence from supporting material given by vendors, stakeholders’ representatives (360 data), and outside organizations. According to tight scoring rules, a score between 0 and 100 is provided to each of the seven management indicators (such as POLI, MESU, etc.), taking into account several aspects, such as the proportion. 

There is a criterion for the EcoVadis certification and a protocol scale to measure the success or the outcome. 

Top 1% for platinum (overall score between 75 and 100)

top 5% of gold (overall score between 67 and 74)

Top 25% in silver (overall score between 56 and 66)

Silver: the top 50% (overall score between 47 and 55)

Above is subject to vary as per policy of Ecovadis. 

How to improve the EcoVadis score to Gold Silver Platinum medal:

The main focus area shall be taken on corrective actions on improvement areas given in current score. Supportive documents of corrective actions shall be uploaded during next immediate assessment. 

Apart from above, following care shall be taken regarding supportive documentation, 

  • The supporting document must contain the following information mandatorily for a batter score.
  • The company name
  • The logo of the company
  •  The date of implementation 
  • The review date
  • If the document is created to satisfy the EcoVadis questionnaire only and not a part of sustainability management system , then the such document will be rejected by Analyst. 
  • Be authentic. Look at it as a bigger picture when it comes to sustainability. 
  • Engagement is a crucial thing. Gather all the supporting documents with the help of your team and be critical of them. 
  • Policy documents must show quantifiable commitment in the field of sustainability improvement. 

It takes a lot of time and effort to complete the EcoVadis assessment. Most businesses need more knowledge to finish it on their own and are prone to errors that could make things much more difficult. But we can improve the flow of things! With the above information’s help, we hope you can improve and make your EcoVadis score look better!


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