We can provide our ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System certification consultancy services for organisation lookin to demonstrate to its customers / other stake holders about its commitment to protect Personaly Identifiable Information ( PII ) of those stake holders.
Found in year 2004, We are leading Management consultants and Corporate trainers in India.
We can help organisations already certified with ISO 27001 information security management system to extent their Management system for compliance with ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System certification.
We can also help organisations willing to achieve fresh ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System certification.
Organisations located In India including located at Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh, Hariyana, Rajasthan, Uttar pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and in other states of India in achieving ISO 27701 Information Security Management System certification. We will be pleased to provide our consultancy and training services to them.
Key Requirements of ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System
1. Under standing role of Organisation as PII Controller or PII Processor 2. Defining Scoope of ISO 27701 PIMS with ” Processing of PII for ______________” 3. Defining Context of Organisation specific to PIMS 4. Conducting Privacy Risk Assessment ( Also Known as Privacy Impact Assessment PIA ) 5. Preparation of Data Inventory depending upon Classification of PII being processed Other requirements as per ISO 27001 shall be complied.
Few of Requirements specific to PII controller can include
1. Demonstrating law ful Processing of PII 2. Demonstrating legitimate purpose of Processing PII 3. Consent Management 4. Determining and fulfilling obligations to PII Principals 5. Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default
1. Agreement with PII Controllers 2. Prohibition of using PII for marketing and advertising use 3. Return Transfer and Disposal of PII 4. PII Transfer within Jurisdictions 5. Notification about PII Disclosures
There are other requirements and clarifications also that needs to be fulfilled to achieve ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System PIMS certification.
Organisation looking for ISO 27701 Privacy information management system – PIMS certification in India, ISO 27701 PIMS certification consultants in India, ISO 27701 certification service providers in India may contact us.
For our entire range of certification and training services, please visit our websites – www.bluesky.co.in or www.blueskycorporates.com or e mail us at info@bluesky.co.in
We can provide our ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System certification consultancy services for organisation lookin to demonstrate to its customers / other stake holders about its commitment to protect Personaly Identifiable Information ( PII ) of those stake holders.
Found in year 2004, We are leading Management consultants and Corporate trainers in India.
We can help organisations already certified with ISO 27001 information security management system to extent their Management system for compliance with ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System certification.
We can also help organisations willing to achieve fresh ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System certification.
For more information, please contact us at – info@bluesky.co.in
Organisations located In India including located at Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh, Hariyana, Rajasthan, Uttar pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and in other states of India in achieving ISO 27701 Information Security Management System certification. We will be pleased to provide our consultancy and training services to them.
Key Requirements of ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System
1. Under standing role of Organisation as PII Controller or PII Processor
2. Defining Scoope of ISO 27701 PIMS with ” Processing of PII for ______________”
3. Defining Context of Organisation specific to PIMS
4. Conducting Privacy Risk Assessment ( Also Known as Privacy Impact Assessment PIA )
5. Preparation of Data Inventory depending upon Classification of PII being processed
Other requirements as per ISO 27001 shall be complied.
For more information, please contact us at – info@bluesky.co.in
Few of Requirements specific to PII controller can include
1. Demonstrating law ful Processing of PII
2. Demonstrating legitimate purpose of Processing PII
3. Consent Management
4. Determining and fulfilling obligations to PII Principals
5. Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default
For more information, please contact us at – info@bluesky.co.in
Few of Requirements pertaining to PII Processors
1. Agreement with PII Controllers
2. Prohibition of using PII for marketing and advertising use
3. Return Transfer and Disposal of PII
4. PII Transfer within Jurisdictions
5. Notification about PII Disclosures
There are other requirements and clarifications also that needs to be fulfilled to achieve ISO 27701 Privacy Information Management System PIMS certification.
For more information, please contact us at – info@bluesky.co.in
Organisation looking for ISO 27701 Privacy information management system – PIMS certification in India, ISO 27701 PIMS certification consultants in India, ISO 27701 certification service providers in India may contact us.
For more information, please contact us at – info@bluesky.co.in